sustaining transformative love

home of artistic responses, interventions, creations and celebrations: this is the place where we reimagine community. this is the way that we make a loving world.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Sista Story Circles

Hey ladies,

So tomorrow will be the first of a series of Sista Story SharingCircles (say that a bunch of times fast) hosted by Artistic Response.This series will give us a chance to share each other's stories inpairs and as a larger group with some fun exercises and some goodfood. Our collective wisdom for this process will inform themultimedia performance that we are continuing to envision...butnothing will be audio recorded and our sharing will be consensual andconfidential. We will be creating questions and answers and historiesand futures together.

So please...invite women of color that you know or want to get to knowbetter and come through to Ebony's place (feel free to bring snacks)anytime between 9am and 1pm. Some guided exercises will start at10am.Hope to see and hear and love you up tomorrow!


Artistic Response--


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