sustaining transformative love

home of artistic responses, interventions, creations and celebrations: this is the place where we reimagine community. this is the way that we make a loving world.

Friday, September 22, 2006

9/21 Meeting Notes

UBUNTU Artistic Response has been offered a residency at Bennett
College!!!! Hoooray!!!!

If you'd like to be involved with planning the residency
come to Professor Ebony Golden's office at NCCU at 3pm on Friday (yes
tomorrow) September 22nd

Upcoming events and meeting:
Saturday, September 23rd: AMAZING "I Be Who I Be" Workshop at WD Hill
Community Day (meet at WD Hill community center by 10am)
Sunday, September 24th: Spontaneous Alter-building meet at the Scrap
Exchange at 11am

Tuesday October 3rd "Let the Healing Begin' Domestic Violence Poetry
Speakout at Ideas Cafe
Wednesday, October 4th Women of Color Workshop at UNC
(PLANNING MEETING AT NCCU or Stanford L. Warren on Thursday September
28th 1:15 to 2:15 pm (call ebony!))

October 19th Candlelight Vigil at Duke (interactive activity fire, fun)
October 20th Shairi's Poetry Radio Show
October 21st POSSIBLE Workshop for Domestic Violence Month (IF people
step up to facilitate...anybody in?)

Holler back with your interest and insight!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Wading with my Sistahs

Bennett college was wonderful yesterday. Thank you Ebony, Zach and songstress Diva Ms. Rachael. Revolutionary art is what's up!!! You ladies are something fierce!!!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Artistic Response's Moving and Grooving Bridging and Breathing And Loving Upcoming Events


Sept: 19

"Changed Waters: Reinvention, Repurpose, and Reclamation"
Bennett College, Greensboro
6 pm (meet us at NCCU at 5 caravan!! I will drive at least 3 sistas who want to perform.)
The organizer are excited about beginning a lasting relationship with us. Beautiful things are happening at Bennett and we should be involved.

Sept. 21
ARTISTIC RESPONSE MEETING ( we need to schedule Sept. and Oct. so it is better to writes for sept. and oct, congealing our toolkit, and also rehearsals for the multi-,media performance piece)

Sept. 23
Community Day
W.D. Hill Community Center
I Be Who I Be Workshop: 10-11
(and various other times throughout the day, respond if you wanna help, meeting tomorrow)

Stand Up Speak Out Has Gained Non-Profit Status!!!
I had a meeting with sista Mona Daye and she has invited us to participate in the following activities:

October: All month Collection Drive

October 3: "Let the Healing Begin"
Ideas Coffee House Highway 54 &55
Time: 630-800
(I will facilitate an open forum) and we can share some artistic envisioning/poetry/movement/song as well

October 4:
WOC Workshop (previously scheduled event)
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
I think we have between 1.5 and 2 hours

October 14: Spa Day
At women's shelter (Place TBA)
(including make-up, manicure, yoga/meditation, massage, pedicure, arts performances)
(who wants to co-lead a yoga/meditation workshop with me, only 20 min!!!)

October 19 Candle Light Vigil
Multi-cultural Center Duke
Time: 630
(I will be hosting and Mona wants us to do an interactive performance of our choosing)

October 20: Shairi's Radio Show
Mona wants us to come and talk about Artistic Response, UBUNTU, and what we are doing in the community around issues of sexual assault and domestic violence.
(ooo! we can read a poem as well.)

October 21 Understanding Domestic Violence Workshop at "The Connection- a Church" ( Mona wants us to be responsible for the healing portion of this workshop!!!)

Also: Curriculum Development is needed so that they are marketed to different communities decide on payment workshop synopsis


Nov. 14
"Changed Waters: Reinvention, Repurpose, and Reclamation"
Bennett College, Greensboro


Did somebody say something about Jamaica!!! I know we will be there in full effect!!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

NO! by Aishah Simmons on Sale NOW!

Tell everyone!!!

NO! a profoundly brilliant film by Aishah Simmons on rape in the Black community
officially goes on sale at California Newsreel today!
Click here for info on buying the film!

Please forward this to educators, activists and everyone you know for
two obvious reasons that i'll restate here

1. this film makes a revolutionary impact and is NEEDED in every community
2. Aishah deserves to be fully supported in continuing to do the brave
healing warrior work that she/we be doing

Every institution that you are affiliated with should own a copy of this film!!!!


Friday, September 01, 2006

so it is better to speak (and to move!)... NCCU!
Big shouts to the lovely ladies (and two gentlemen) at the VOX interest meeting at Central last night!
We moved our bodies and invoked Audre Lorde and proved that is so so so much better to speak.
Feel free to post any of the one million reasons that it is better to speak or anything that you may have written in response to the poem here!
